UCAI, providing covering, guidance and fellowship where faith makes us allies.

The Apostolic Anointing of Our Father
We believe the gifts of the Spirit are still being used by the Holy Spirit to bring the body of Christ to maturity. Apostle Paul Thomas was a spiritual father to many sons and daughters around the world. This particular call fulfills the designed will of God because without fathers just as it is in the natural so in the spiritual. We have many people who have gone astray because the lack of fathering. The bible declares we have many instructors but not many fathers. The father’s anointing runs parallel with the apostolic mantle. Apostle was anointed of God to bring the body of Christ to the position of doing the will of God.
P. O. Rodgers
Bishop P. O. Rodgers was ordained as pastor on June 10, 1990 at Victory Christian Fellowship Center, in Greenville, NC. Since then Bishop P. O. Rodgers' ministry has grown from the living room of his home to the facility located at 1246 Pollock Street in New Bern, NC. Bishop P. O. Rodgers was a New Bern Police officer for 32 years before retiring in June of 2000. In his stint at New Bern PD, he moved up through the ranks faster than any other officer did on the force. He retired as the first black Deputy Chief of Police. Bishop Rodgers has a style of ministering all his own. He is a profound teacher of the gospel. He gives the word in such a simple form that even the children in the ministry can easily understand and apply the Word to their lives. After the passing of our founder, the late Apostle Paul Thomas, Bishop Rodgers became the overseer of the UCAI. He is working to carry out the legacy and the vision of Apostle Thomas.

Apostle Thomas anointed and appointed apostles, pastors, and teachers and has sent them out to fulfill their call and to have the blessing of the Lord upon their lives. The apostolic anointing causes the power of the Holy Spirit to be released in the house of the Lord where people are tired of cold, dead, sterile religion. The apostolic anointing and the prophetical anointing flow together to make the word of God come alive. Many sons and daughters will verify these life changing facts.
Apostle Thomas established a ministry to bring together pastors and leaders to fulfill their calling and anointing. This ministry is called the United Christian Alliance International. This ministry is designed to bring unity and brotherhood through the members. This ministry also reaches India, Germany, and Africa.

Your United Christian Alliance International Resource Center
"The place God has called you is where your anointing will come alive."
Apostle Paul Thomas